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Reflection on Purpose

When George Floyd died two and a half weeks ago, I was engulfed by anger, sadness, guilt. Black Lives Matter. Changes must happen.

As I was listening, learning, and reflecting, I also got into very challenging conversations with my own family and friends about anti-racism and the current political climate.

I felt weak and at the same time a sense of urgency to make changes happen. There is so much work to do, individually, within my own community, and in this country.

How do I, a Chinese teacher, be part of this conversation and movement? What can I add in my practice to ensure sustainable and long-term change?

My purpose of being an educator is multifold. I love learning as much as teaching. I love meeting where my students are. I love inspiring students to learn Chinese in a way that truly excites them.

Thinking of my students, I can’t help but wonder how the last three months have changed their lives and how our current world has accelerated their growth. Our world is beyond problem-free. Our world needs a lot of solutions to move forward.

I eventually felt less powerless and more hopeful. I feel determined.

My new purpose is working year-round to offer learning opportunities for teens. All my students will work on design projects to practice their Chinese skills, empathy, and creative problem-solving.

I’m determined to make learning opportunities available year-round so that teens will be equipped well with skills and tools to become agents of change. Change for our better collective future.

I’m ready to make changes happen by being authentic self and doing work. Are you?

Ms. X